Hi friends, here are the nitty-gritty details of the writing workshop Tina and I are offering June 12-18th.
Level of competence:
Some of you will be starting out with your writing, and others will have works under your belt. Because you have both Tina and me working with you, and devoting personal attention to your needs, you need not worry about whether or not you are a beginner or an already published author. I am happy to speak with you individually about this.
What sets this workshop apart from others is the mentoring aspect. You will feel with Tina and me that you have a personal editor and adviser. We are both published, and can assist you with that goal. Tina will lead us on great walks and you will come to understand how Nature feeds your writing (I can't wait for this!) My third novel in my mystery series will be published by Poisoned Pen Press late fall, 2016, and I will just be off a "writing binge," and will be happy to share process with you. I will also be available for one-on-one meet-ups. This is also a good time for you to write to me and let me know what you are seeking.
Willow Creek Ranch at the Hole in the Wall is the only place I have ever been where you can look up and see the stars shining in one corner of the sky, and lightning striking in another. It is also one of the very few places I have ever been where the busyness that keeps us rushing around recedes completely. We will take hikes, and explore. Horseback riding is available, also, and if the group wants, we can camp out at the Hole-in-the-Wall.
Let me know ahead if you are flying in to Casper, or if you are driving in. The ranch will send out directions. Once you are enrolled, I will send you telephone numbers. The ranch staff will be picking you up (sometimes a two hour drive) and delivering you when the workshop has ended.
The cookhouse, where three meals are served daily, also has a single room in the front of the 1895 building, and another single room in the back, along with a double room next to it. If necessary a larger room is available, with several bunkbeds in it. Two cabins that accommodate two people are available, and a distant cabin might be available. We will do our best to meet your lodging needs.
The Cookhouse
People find that they have hearty appetites on a ranch. The food here is delicious, and though far from the vegan diet, if you let us know ahead we can accommodate your dietary needs.
There is a wonderful building for classes that looks out onto the Red Wall, which runs across the 57,000 acre ranch. Seeing the sun rise and set on that is an extraordinary experience.
This is a start. I hope you will email me with questions and concerns.
I hope you will join us! Warmly, Janet

All the details for Tina's and my JULY writing workshop are the same. The workshop runs from July 2- July 8. Hope you can join!