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Entries by Janet Hubbard (29)



The publication of my first mystery novel, CHAMPAGNE: The Farewell, feels momentous, and at the same time life moves along at its regular pace.  I have just been in Los Angeles, where my daughter Ramsey performed her one-woman show, OOH LA LA, five times in the Fringe Festival.  Rushing around to find water for her, and doing all the things a support person does in these cases (like sending up prayers that she will have success) was exhilirating--and exhausting.

I have gotten up my nerve to tweet more often, and while in New York City in June, I attended a social media networking seminar for mystery writers. I am signed up for the Bouchercon in October, the Quebec Crime Conference in Quebec City in September (I think), and the Sisters in Crime New England Crimebake in November. I'm looking forward to settling into the solitude of my home in the woods October on, as I have the great challenge of revising BORDEAUX, and getting it to my editor by early January. 

I was thrilled today to find CHAMPAGNE on a blogger's "ten favorite novels of July" page.  I will include her website in a couple of days. 

Astrid Latapie has a wonderful essay about the cheeses of Champagne. Really, you won't find this information anywhere else. 

And as an end-of-day thought: I've not heard of so many Americans traveling to Paris in a long time.  It is THE place to go. (I wonder if it has to do with the Woody Allen film, "Midnight in Paris.")  It's an extremely expensive city, but no one seems to find that daunting.  Droves of Americans, many of them friends or acquaintances, are telling me that they have just been, or are on their way. This makes Ramsey's show, OOH LA LA, have even more impact, for she shifted from a young, hip crowd in LA into a similar milieu in Paris, thanks to her close friend who introduced her to all of his friends. She really doesn't know what it is to be a tourist in Paris.  Amazing!  

I'm lining up signings and readings, quite a few of them paired with tastings. I'll be posting those in a week. 

Happy July 4th, everyone!  I'll be drinking champagne at my nephew's wedding in Buffalo, New York, instead of hanging with the rowdy crowd in Warren, Vermont.